65 результатов найдено по запросу:
заказать икону
Икона Святой Блаженной Матроны Московской
Геннадий Степанов (р. 1977)
Магазин Stepanov Gennadiy
Геннадий Степанов
Получил базовое художественное образование: Детская художественная школа, Донецкое художественное училище,
Высшее академическое: Окончил с красным дипломом Архитектурный факультет ДонНАСА.
Дополнительно: Иконописное отделение при ДДС.
Это не полный арсенал моих образований. Брал частные уроки у неизвестных, но благословенных иконописцев при храмах и монастырях. Неоднократно совершал паломничество на Афон. Получил благословение на написание икон.
Иконописные работы, представленные здесь, выполнены в каноническом стиле.
Один из главных составляющих критериев в создании иконы - это степень ответственности иконописца за свою работу, перед тем, кого он изображает.
Любая икона - будь то храмовая, мерная, семейная, венчальная – это не только украшение интерьера, это, прежде всего, живописное изображение святого, которое призвано располагать верующего к молитве.
Многие иконописные работы переданы мной в дар школам, больницам, детским домам, молельным комнатам войсковых подразделений.
Круг моих интересов не ограничен только иконописью. Графика, живопись, скульптура малых форм - наполняют все творчество воздухом, свежими идеями, новизной, не позволяя пребывать в замкнутом пространстве...
Буду рад, если работы, представленные на этой странице, придутся Вам по душе.
С уважением, Геннадий.
Магазин художника
Stepanov Gennadiy
Количество продуктов: 13
Рукописная икона Богородицы Иконы заказ
Татьяна Tatiana Лапина Lapina (р. 1986)
Магазин Lapina Tatiana
Татьяна Tatiana Лапина Lapina
Artist Lapina Tatiana Alexandrovna was born in Kamensk - Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region, Russia. Since childhood, I learned to draw on my own, since studying at an art school was expensive for my parents, I received a musical education that instilled in me a love of classical music. Continuing to paint her paintings in watercolor, she went to study in Moscow. After studying at the Moscow Academic Art School in 2011, I paint Oil Paintings. Now I work as an Artist, I paint Paintings to Order, compose music and raise three children: Konstantin, Elizabeth and Eugene. I will be happy to give a part of myself, passing on my tenderness, harmony and kindness.
Художник Лапина Татьяна Александровна родилась в городе Каменске - Уральском, Свердловской области, Россия.
С детства училась рисовать самостоятельно, поскольку обучение в художественной школе для моих родителей было накладно, я получила музыкальное образование, которое привило мне любовь к классической музыке. Продолжая писать свои картины акварелью, поехала учиться в Москву. После обучения в Московском Академическом Художественном Училище в 2011 году пишу Картины Маслом. Сейчас я работаю Художником, пишу Картины на Заказ, сочиняю музыку и воспитываю троих детей: Константина, Елизавету и Евгения. Буду счастлива подарить часть себя, передавая свою нежность, гармонию и доброту.
Магазин художника
Lapina Tatiana
Количество продуктов: 55
Архангел Михаил, Самарская и Семисртельная иконы Божиев Матери, Семисртельная икона Божиев Матери (икона злых сердец), Божия Матерь Скоропослушница
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Тайная вечеря, Икона Призри на смирение, Архангел Михаил и Святая Варвара, Иверская икона Божией Матери
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Пачаевская икона Божией матери, Святые Перт и Феврония, Святая Варвара, Пресвятая Троица
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Христос и 12 апостолов, 2 Печерских иконы Божией Матери,
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Святой Иоанн Богослов, Святой Николай, Спаситель Иисус Христос, Икона всех скорбящих радосте
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Иконы Святых
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Иконы Святых
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Картины, Иконы, Святые
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Владимирская № 3
Олег Попельский (р. 1954)
Магазин Popelsky Oleg
Олег Попельский
Псевдоним - Гливи
Автор и основатель направления тематичных оммажей из камня, исполненных в нестандартных комбинациях природной красоты камня и художественного письма
Имею большой опыт в камнеобработке.
Магазин художника
Popelsky Oleg
Количество продуктов: 105
Владимирская № 2/12,2
Олег Попельский (р. 1954)
Магазин Popelsky Oleg
Олег Попельский
Псевдоним - Гливи
Автор и основатель направления тематичных оммажей из камня, исполненных в нестандартных комбинациях природной красоты камня и художественного письма
Имею большой опыт в камнеобработке.
Магазин художника
Popelsky Oleg
Количество продуктов: 105
Картина Маслом Рукописная Мария и Иисус
Татьяна Tatiana Лапина Lapina (р. 1986)
Магазин Lapina Tatiana
Татьяна Tatiana Лапина Lapina
Artist Lapina Tatiana Alexandrovna was born in Kamensk - Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region, Russia. Since childhood, I learned to draw on my own, since studying at an art school was expensive for my parents, I received a musical education that instilled in me a love of classical music. Continuing to paint her paintings in watercolor, she went to study in Moscow. After studying at the Moscow Academic Art School in 2011, I paint Oil Paintings. Now I work as an Artist, I paint Paintings to Order, compose music and raise three children: Konstantin, Elizabeth and Eugene. I will be happy to give a part of myself, passing on my tenderness, harmony and kindness.
Художник Лапина Татьяна Александровна родилась в городе Каменске - Уральском, Свердловской области, Россия.
С детства училась рисовать самостоятельно, поскольку обучение в художественной школе для моих родителей было накладно, я получила музыкальное образование, которое привило мне любовь к классической музыке. Продолжая писать свои картины акварелью, поехала учиться в Москву. После обучения в Московском Академическом Художественном Училище в 2011 году пишу Картины Маслом. Сейчас я работаю Художником, пишу Картины на Заказ, сочиняю музыку и воспитываю троих детей: Константина, Елизавету и Евгения. Буду счастлива подарить часть себя, передавая свою нежность, гармонию и доброту.
Магазин художника
Lapina Tatiana
Количество продуктов: 55
Святитель, Святой Спиридон Тримифунский, Святой Антоний Печерский
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Святой Моисей Угрин, Святая Мария Магдалина, Богородица Мария
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Фреска, притвор в храме Киево-печерской Лавры святого Сергия Радонежского, Царская семья
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Архангел Михаил, Казахские святые, Святой Георгий Победоносец, Святой Спиридон
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Святой Парамон, Богородица Мария, Иисус Христос, Святой Георгий Победоносец
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Святые Константин и Еелена, Антоний и Феодосий Печерские, Сергий Радонежский и Серафим Саровский, Киприан и Юстиния
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Святые Евангелисты Матфей, Марк, Ионанн, Лука
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Святые Агапит Печерский, Андрей Первозванный, Антипа, Смаральда Неженская
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Богородица Мария Призри на смирение, Священномученик Владимир, Святая Варвара, Агапит печерский
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Святые Андрей Первозванный, Паисий Святогорец, Феодосий Печерский, Праведный Ной
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43
Святые Борис и Глеб, Тайная вечеря, Преображение, Рождество
Лилия Коваленко (р. 1969)
Магазин Kovalenko Lilia
Лилия Коваленко
Graduated from the secondary art school of Tomsk in Moscow, entered the Surikov Institute in Moscow, studied in the portrait workshop with I. Glazunov. Then when the USSR collapsed I left to Canada, Ottawa and worked with art galleries, later worked for many years in the Kievo Pechersk Lavra in the icon-painting workshop. In this the moment I am engaged in painting the temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, I received a master of painting at the academy.
Магазин художника
Kovalenko Lilia
Количество продуктов: 43